March 22, 2008


(Please ignore the haircut of the male character, thanks.)

Liar Game欺詐遊戲
主 演:

Adopted from the comic "Liar Game" which is a hit in Japan. I can't compare it with the original comic as I never read it before. I am fascinated by the plot. It's a very exciting and breath-taking story that keeps you watching til the end. The only things I don't like is the stupidity of 神崎直 and the haircut of 秋山深一. I like the ending very much. When 秋山深一asked about the forth round of the Liar Game. The reply is that "There is no forth round. See. The forth round is actually happening in everywhere. People in this world wear their own masks and try to fake others. This is the reality." (may not be exactly the same as it comes from my memory)

松田翔太looks very familiar.
05年才出道的年轻艺人,因为一部《花样男子》(日版流星花园)而受人瞩目。他就是松田龙平的弟弟,松田优作的次子,典型的演艺之家出身。母亲松田美由纪 也是当时得令的女演员,在这样的环境里长大,想不入演艺界都难。他也是研音事务所的艺人,和速水重道一样,是公司里最被看好的年轻小字辈。

No wonder...

Taylor Swift

A country singer that I recently addicted to.

My favorite in her album--Tim Mcgraw



Adopted from the cell phone novel in Japan.
I didn't intend to watch it but....watched anyway.
A more realistic story compared with those typical Japanese love story. However, it is still very boring. From the very beginning of the movie, you can predict exactly what will happen next and even the ending. It's just DULL. I just can't see why it can hit the box office in Japan.

[TV] 神探伽利略

主演:福山雅治 柴咲幸 北村一輝 品川祐 真矢美紀 渡辺一計 等

#1 drama in 2007.

1. Cast I like 柴咲幸 very much. But 福山雅治 did shine out in the drama (playing that physics freak)

2. Terrific story ( don't ask me whether the plots are scientifically correct as I forgot all the physics long ago)

3. Surprising guests (e.g. 深田恭子, 堀北真希, 廣末涼子, 香取慎吾, 唐澤壽明,etc) 超豪華!

Highly recommended!

[TV] 萤之光

主演:綾瀨遙 國仲涼子 加藤和樹 武田真治 淺見れいな 藤木直人等

A very good and cute (?!) story. Totally attracted by 藤木直人. He is so charming in the drama.
A drama with warmth and harmony. Highly recommended.

#2 drama in 2007. (excluded 花樣男子2)


you are not alone.

March 20, 2008


Why did I watch/read??

They are separate things. But why should I?

With the same thing in mind.
But we are different people. Do you get it?

End of story.