January 10, 2008

Dior Midnight Poison

I like the DM very much.

Directed by Wong Kar-Wai

Location: Opéra Garnier, Paris

Music: Space Dementia by Muse

Dress by John Galliano for Dior

Actress: Eva Green (Personally don't fond of her *coughduetokingdomofheavencough*)

Love the dress as well.

January 09, 2008

As a result....


以為自是 的我.

no more in sem b.
You will see.

January 08, 2008


出演/上野樹裏 玉木宏 瑛太 水川あさみ 小出恵介 ウエンツ瑛士 ベッキー 遠藤雄彌 山口紗彌加 石井正則 福士誠治 吉瀬美智子 伊武雅刀 竹中直人
